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Jess Spigott avatar
Written by Jess Spigott
Updated over a year ago

The “Profile” tab allows you to edit your profile and customize how people see you when they add you as a friend.

To edit your profile, click on your name in the top right corner of your Trips Dashboard.

The Trips dashboard on the Pilot Social Trip Planner web app. In the top right hand corner there are three dots, and just to the left of them is the name "Jess" with a blank contact icon.

Your profile is where you are able to see your past trips, as well as what's on your wishlist. In the future, this feature will be used for you to connect with friends and other travellers!

To customize your profile, select "Edit profile" on the right.

The profile page on Pilot for "Jess Spigott". There is a cover photo of Christ the Redeemer from Rio de Janeiro. Underneath the cover photo is a blank profile photo with name next to it. On the right of this there is a grey button that reads "Edit Profile", which is being indicated by a red arrow.

Once on the editing screen, you can change your name and add in a social handle (instagram handle for example).

An Edit Profile page with the following fields to input information: First Name, Last Name, Handle, Location, and About Me. There is a button to Save in the bottom right.

You can also select the red camera icon to add a profile picture.

On the same Edit Profile page, to the left of the text fields there is a profile picture with a small red camera icon in the bottom right corner of it.

Next, select "Save" and you are good to go!

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