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Jess Spigott avatar
Written by Jess Spigott
Updated over a year ago

What's the Wishlist?

Use the wishlist to save anything you may want to do, by yourself or with friends.

Think of it as your wanderlist/bucketlist; a place to save everything cool you haven't done yet, or would like to do again. E.g. Skydiving in Hawaii. You can use these as reminders and inspiration for your next trip.

Eventually, through Pilot, you'll be able to see friends' wishlists as well to allow you to find more things to plan with one another!

Getting started with your Wishlist

View your wishlist by clicking on the “Wishlist” tab to the right of the “Trips” tab on the top bar.

The Wishlist page in the Pilot Social Trip Planner with the heading "Add your first wishlist idea!". In the middle of the page is a box to add a picture, a text box to add words, and a greyed-out button that says "Add to Wishlist".

To add something to your wishlist, click into the open text box and write all your travel-related dreams!

A more zoomed in image of the middle of the Wishlist page, again showing a box to add a picture, a text box to add words, and a greyed-out button that says "Add to Wishlist".

You can then upload an image from your computer or choose one from the Unsplash library by clicking on the add photo icon.

Add that item to your wishlist by clicking the orange “Add to wishlist” button.

An example Wishlist item with a picture of snowy mountains, text below reading "Ski the Alps", and the "Add to wishlist" button now active in red and ready to be clicked.

That item will now appear in your wishlist in a pinterest style board view!

You can change the cover image of a wishlist item or delete it by clicking on the three dots on the right. Keep in mind it is not yet possible to edit the text of a wishlist item, so you will need to delete and remake it if this is the case!

A completed wishlist item with a photo of a Japanese-style gate in water and the text "Japan!" below it. On the right of the text are 3 dots which have been selected to show a dropdown menu with 2 options of "Change Cover Image" and "Delete".
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