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Jess Spigott avatar
Written by Jess Spigott
Updated over a year ago

The notes tab is your creative canvas. Anything that you need to write down, remember, let your friends know, or just want to express! The notes section is where you can keep all those thoughts organized.

To navigate to your trip's notes, select the Notes tab just underneath your trip title.

A sample Pilot trip itinerary with the title "LA Retreating". Under the title in the top left, a red box and arrow indicate a tab titled "Notes".

To add a new note, simply click on the "+ New Note" button, and start typing!

The Notes tab within a sample Pilot trip. On the left is a menu with the current notes listed, and a button stating "+ New Note". On the right is the Note currently selected in the menu on the left.

Each time you add a new note, it will appear on the left hand bar along with all your other notes.

You can convert a note to a list, and a list to a note, by clicking the 3 little menu dots and selecting which you'd like (see below):

A sample note in the Pilot app titled "Barcelona Reminders". To the right of the title there are 3 dots which have been clicked to reveal a dropdown menu with the options "Note", "Checklist", and "Delete". The "Note" option is currently highlighted, but an arrow points to "Checklist". The items in the note below the title are currently in normal text format.

Once clicked, your note will now be a list:

The same sample note titled "Barcelona Reminders", but the items in the note body now have checkboxes to the left of each line.

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