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Jess Spigott avatar
Written by Jess Spigott
Updated over a year ago

The map view helps to situate yourself in the world! You can click and drag the map to show different areas than the one you are searching for, and can use the top search bar to look for specific destinations on the map.

To zoom in and out on the map, click on the (+) or (-) icons in the top right corner.

When you search and select an item on the map, you will then be able to click the Add to Trip button and choose which section of your itinerary you'd like to add the location to.

The map in a trip on the Pilot web app that is centred on London with many pins clustered there. The pin for Big Ben is selected, with a pop-up box on information about it at the bottom of the map. An orange button in the bottom right reading "Add to trip" has been clicked and a menu of items from the trip itinerary has populated above to allow for selection.

By selecting the dropdown arrow next to the location name, you will be able to select the pin colour and icon type to help personalize and organize your map!

The map in a trip on the Pilot web app that is zoomed in on the Westminster area of London with 2 pins visible. The pin for Big Ben is selected and is orange with a camera icon on it, with a pop-up box on information about it at the bottom of the map. Next to the title "Big Ben" in this pop-up there is a little icon of a camera with a dropdown button. This button has been selected and a menu of different icons and colours for the pin is shown with the orange colour and camera icon currently selected.

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