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Explore Hotel Deals and Book Your Spot

Yu-Wei Hung avatar
Written by Yu-Wei Hung
Updated over a year ago

Where you stay can make or break a trip. Find your stay with the hotel search and booking experience built right into your trip.

Here’s how you can seamlessly book your stay through our trusted partners with just a few taps.

In your Trip, select the “Explore” (Beta) tab.

By default, the Explore tab is set to “Places to stay”.

You can then search for any city or select from the cities already in your trip plan.

You’ll see results both as a list and on the map with the rest of the locations in your trip plan!

By using the ‘Filters’ option and ‘Sort by’ options, you’ll be able to narrow down your search to the top results for you.

The <3 icon in the top right of each card allows you to make a saved list of places for your group to decide among. (Please note - this does not lock in pricing)

Saved results can be viewed in the “Explore” tab any time search is cleared:

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