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Trips Dashboard
Jess Spigott avatar
Written by Jess Spigott
Updated over a year ago

Once you are signed into the app, click on the "Trips" tab next to the airplane icon on the top bar.

Once there, you will see two sections in a gallery format: (1) Upcoming trips; and (2) Past trips.

The Trips dashboard in the Pilot Social Trip Planner. A heading stating "Upcoming Trips" with 2 trip cards underneath showcasing their cover images and titles, as well as a 3rd "Create new trip" blank card. Below this section, a 2nd section titled "Past trips" with 3 trip cards showing their cover images and titles.

In the Upcoming Trips section, all the trips you are currently planning will appear, along with a countdown until you leave. From this page, you can also create a trip.

In the Past Trips section you will be able to view all your past trips. This section acts as a memory bank for all your past trips!

You can also access the Wishlist section in the top bar next to the Trips tab.

If you click on the 3 dots in the top right, you will be able to access a dropdown where you can view your Profile, report a bug or suggestion, submit a product request, leave us a review, access your settings, or logout.

A dropdown menu from the top right of the Trips dashboard in the Pilot app that shows a list of options. The options in order from top to bottom read: View Profile, Report a bug or suggestion, Product Requests, Leave us a review, Settings, and Log out.

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